Fundamentals of Continuous Growth Processes in Technology and Nature |
Between Remodeling, Aging and Growth |
The Impact of Material Internal Length Scales on the Growth of Phases in Solids |
Mathematical Approaches to Morphogenesis in Growing Living Matter |
Growing Shells. Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Identification |
Kinetics of Phase Boundaries and Chemical Reaction Fronts in Deformable Solids |
Accretion Disks in Astrophysics |
The Reconstruction of GaSb:Te Crystal Growth in Space Experiment |
Alexey Voloshin
Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia |
Tatau Nishinaga
Department of Electronic Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo,
Tokyo, Japan |
Anatoly Prostomolotov
Institute for Problems in Mechanics,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia |
Nataliya Verezub
Institute for Problems in Mechanics,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia | |