SGS2015 Organized by IUTAM Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics Sponsored by Russian Foundation for Basic Research Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (SSC RAS) Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow
IUTAM Symposium on Growing solids
June 23-27, 2015, Moscow, Russia

Call for Papers


Extended abstracts, 2 pages long (including figures and tables), are invited for the contributed papers that highlight recent developments in the study of growing solids such as basic problems in the theory of growing solids, phase transitions, crystal growth, additive manufacturing technologies, and growth problems in biology and medicine. Experimental studies and theoretical developments to enable fundamental understanding of growing solids are also of interest. The symposium aims to promote a critical dialogue on selected topics such as

  • Basic problems for growing solids
  • Additive manufacturing technologies
  • Crystal growth
  • Growth in phase transitions
  • Growth in biology and medicine
  • Growth in astronomical and natural phenomena

Extended abstracts should be submitted in PDF format (A4 page size) and cannot exceed 2 pages, including references and figures. Additionally please send source files (DOC or ZIP archive with TEX+PNG/JPG).

Templates are available for LaTeX and Microsoft Word formats:

We urge authors, especially the users of Microsoft Word, to consult the PDF example to see what the final output should look like.

Submission of abstarcts is provided via your Symposium registration account.
Additionally please send all files (PDF+DOC or PDF+ZIP) on

All abstracts will be reviewed.


The authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to submit a full-length manuscript, which will be published in Procedia IUTAM by ELSEVIER.

Symposium proceedings based on the extended abstracts will be published online. A selection of contributed invited papers will appear in a special volume by World Scientific Publishing Company.

Proceedia Templates are available for LaTeX and Microsoft Word formats:

Submission of Proceedings (please send all files PDF+DOC or PDF+ZIP) is provided via Symposium e-mails: or

IUTAM Symposium on Growing solids Prosp. Vernadskogo 101 Bldg 1, Moscow, 119526, Russia